There are many reasons why text messaging can be beneficial for services that offer security systems. From improving customer satisfaction to being able to screen potential employees and for security reasons, SMS can make it easier to provide a safe and fast way to communicate.
Here are six tips and advantages for using messaging in security services:
1. Use texting to increase customer satisfaction
Many security companies need to contact customers to remind them about appointments for installations or maintenance calls. Most people work away from home, so it’s very easy to forget about appointments.
Through SMS, you can easily remind clients about appointments so they can plan accordingly and not have to reschedule. Also, you can let them know about any updates that are needed on their security systems.
And your clients will know they are important to your company because they will see you reaching out with updates and notifications.
CCTV Aware, an alarm installation service in Essex, was on the lookout for a way to communicate with its clients to notify them of appointments, installations, and more. While they knew that most messages were similar in content, they needed a quick and easy way to stay in touch.
They white-labeled their SMS service to personalize their messages—and found this communication method to be easier and more effective than sending emails.
2. SMS can help enhance employee communications
Employee communication can be challenging for most companies. Emails have been the go-to form of company communication for many years, but that may be changing. According to many, email communication may be on its way out, as text messaging becomes easier and faster.
Through a text messaging service, it’s simple to message an employee—it’s delivered in just a few minutes. In addition, you can see whether or not it was read.
You can also send a group email to multiple employees at once. This saves time, and you can see all the questions, answers, and conversations in the group chat.
3. Screen potential employees more efficiently
You can use text messaging to quickly and safely reach out to potential security service workers. Email has previously been the most common method for screening, but it can have issues such as messages going into spam folders or remaining unopened, or falling into the wrong hands.
Through SMS, you can send important information to the right candidates, including links to questionnaires and work details, dates and times of appointments, and more. Texting also feels more personal, and potential employees of your security company will appreciate the efficiency of your staff and may be more interested in coming onboard.
4. Texting allows you to communicate in emergency situations
Text messaging gives you the ability to communicate instantly during times of threat or emergency. Within security services, things can change very quickly, and an emergency can arise without any warning.
Being able to contact people on your team is vital in these situations. A text message can be sent within minutes, and the person on the receiving end will know what’s going on much more quickly than if you tried to make a phone call.
Remember, you can text silently, too, so it’s helpful if you’re in a situation when you need to remain quiet.
One of the greatest advantages of SMS within security services is that you can communicate with several people at the same time. In the security service field, you often need to alert several people at once about a current situation or an upcoming meeting.
Whether it’s an emergency, a life-threatening situation, or something as simple as a staff meeting or office party, with a texting service in place, it’s easy to send the same message to a whole group of people at once without the hassle of making separate phone calls or creating emails.
Security training service RIDS Limited in North Holland has found that a texting service such as Textmagic makes it easy to stay in touch with students and trainers alike. In addition, the firm’s CEO finds it very helpful to have all messages in one place.
For example, if a message is sent to all trainers and one trainer responds with a question, that communication is readily available on the online portal. He says the SMS service “has allowed us to become much more efficient and competitive.”
6. Remain secure with messaging
Confidentiality is important in many industries, and within security services it is vital that the right people read your messages promptly. It’s too easy to forward or BCC someone on an email and it’s often too time-consuming to make separate phone calls to everyone.
With an SMS service, you can send a message and know that the right person will receive it without fear of breaching confidentiality. With more and more people using SMS, carriers and providers are constantly updating their systems to keep texting free from spammers and hackers, making text messaging a safe way to transmit vital information.
These are just six helpful tips for using a text messaging service for your security business. While most industries can benefit from such a service, the security niche offers unique opportunities for SMS to be used to enable the services to be handled in a more cost-efficient manner.
As texting becomes even more popular, security services will find this mode of communication one of the easiest, most effective, and most economical ways to stay in touch with both clients and staff.